Installing the OJB Console

To install the OJB Console Distribution, unzip the appropriate distribution into a directory. If you download the .tar.gz distribution, you must use a GNU compatible version of tar.

The source distribution of the OJB Console consists of the following directory layout.

+ ---- etc               // contains configuration files, mostly ones you may wish to modify
|       + ---- castor    // contains castor specific files used for code generation. do not modify these unless you really know what you are doing
|       + ---- logging   // contains the logging properties files.  modify these if you wish to change the log4j settings.
|       + ---- ojb       // contains configuration files for ojb.  You must replace the repository files.
|               + ---- classes    // the directory to put your OJB .class files.  (if any). 
|                                 // This directory should retain the java package structure just as any classes directory
|               + ---- lib        // the directory to put your OJB .jar files (if any)
|       + ---- objc      // contains configuration files for the ojbc. 
+ ---- lib               // contains the dependency jars, tlds, dtds etc
+ ---- docs              // contains documentation
|       + ---- api       // contains the javadocs
+ ---- src               // contains all the source code
|       + ---- java      // contains all the java source code
|       + ---- resources // contains any resources that are bundled in the jar, message files etc
|       + ---- web       // contains the web application source ie.  JSP, html, images, web.xml, struts-config.xml
| ---- [build]           // these directory are created during the build and used by the build
|       + ---- classes   // contains the build .class files
|       + ---- jars      // contains the packaged jar files
|       + ---- wars      // contains the packaged war file
|       + ---- docs      // contains the generated documentation (javadocs)
| ---- build.xml         // the ant build file
| ----  // custom build settings, youmust change these
| ---- // properties file used for the deployment settings.  you only need to modify these if you wish to use those targets

Copyright © 2003 Alexander Bibighaus et al. All rights Reserved.